Membership Terms

Terms apply to all memberships at Method Pilates.
To avoid additional fees, please review the terms.
Contract Duration and Automatic Renewal:
Contract is in force for a minimum of 2 months from the Contract Start Date, with automatic renewal for subsequent months, unless cancelled by either the client or Method Pilates, LLC with notification of no less than 15 days in advance of the next billing date. You can terminate the contract at any point after completion of the first 2 months by emailing us at with your request at least 15 days in advance of your next billing date.
Agreement to Pay Recurring Fees:
The client agrees to pay Method Pilates, LLC monthly recurring fees as follows:
When signing up for the membership the client is authorizing automatic charges to their credit card. Payment by any means other than Client's credit card is not permitted.
Note: "Unlimited" means 2x per day. By purchasing a Method Pilates Membership you agree to the late cancel and no show policy. Refer to FAQS & Policies at for further details
Please read below.
(a) I agree to purchase the Method Pilates membership, as an automatic charge to my credit card, for a minimum contract as stated on the membership at checkout, with such contract period extending subject to the automatic renewal terms outlined above.
(b) I hereby certify that I am the holder of the credit card.
(c) I understand that I will be notified if my credit card fails to authorize for any reason, and that a $15 late fee will apply if I do not provide a valid credit card within 7 calendar days of the original rejection date. Additionally, I understand and agree that I am subject to Method Pilates' Late Cancel and No-Show policies for unlimited customers, as set forth on, and charges that may become applicable as a result of violating such policies.
(d) I understand that my service will not deactivate if my credit card is unable to process. Once a credit card is updated to process, my account will automatically charge any missed payments.
Freezing your autopay:
To freeze your autopay, a completed request must be submitted in writing at least 15 days in advance of your next billing date in order for your request to be effective from the following month. Billing date is based on your activation date of your contract.
You can freeze your autopay schedule at any time for a fee of $20. The freeze is activated at the start of the next billing cycle. To request the freeze, email us at with your requested start and end dates of the freeze. Following the end of your requested freeze period, your monthly auto-renew will automatically be reactivated. You may only freeze your account for up to one billing cycle per 2 month contract.
Canceling your autopay automatic renewal:
Your autopay membership may be canceled at any time to take effect after the minimum contract period. A completed autopay cancellation request must be received at least 15 days in advance of your billing cycle (example: if you are scheduled to be charged April 1st and you want to cancel for the month of April, you must submit a cancellation request to Method Pilates by March 15th.)
Canceling your Unlimited Membership:
Clients may only cancel your membership during the minimum contract period if you are: moving outside of Harris County, have an injury, a circumstance that is out of clients control, or is approved by the owner of Method Pilates, LLC.
Membership Change/ Cancel Form
Please fill out the following form in order to change or cancel your membership. Cancellations must be received at least 15 days in advance of billing cycle. Changes must be submitted at least 7 days in advanced of billing cycle.
We will follow up to your email address provided. No cancelations or changes are final until stated by Method Pilates.